Former Microsoft Surface executive Panos Panay to join Amazon - Bloomberg

By: Dmitro Koval | 18.09.2023, 22:09

As it became known earlier, Panos Panay, the head of Microsoft's Surface and Windows brand, resigned from his position, and recently Bloomberg reported that he had joined Amazon.

Here's What We Know

Panay has been involved in the development of many Surface devices and is responsible for much of the success of the line. He will remain with Microsoft as part of the transition process until he fully joins Amazon.

At Amazon, Panay will replace Dave Limp, who was responsible for hardware at Amazon for just over a year, but announced in August that he planned to leave the company in the next few months. On Wednesday, Amazon is also holding a device and services event, where Limp is expected to appear.

According to Bloomberg, Panay will be in charge of Amazon's Alexa and Echo speaker division. It is unclear what his title will be, as both Amazon and Microsoft declined to comment on the Bloomberg report.

Source: The Verge with reference to Bloomberg