Russian bombers have been striking Ukraine with Ukrainian Kh-55 strategic missiles with a launch range of up to 2,500 kilometres, which Russia has received as payment for gas since 1999

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 04.08.2023, 17:14

Ukrainian journalists have proved that Russia is hitting Ukraine with Ukrainian missiles. This was clear last year, but now official evidence has emerged.

Here's What We Know

At the end of 1999, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine agreed with the Russian government that the debt for gas would be compensated with missiles and strategic bombers. It was about the sum of 275 million hryvnias ($70 million at that time and $7.5 million now)

As a result, the Russian Federation received three Tu-95MS aircraft, eight Tu-160s and 575 strategic cruise missiles Kh-55 with a maximum launch range of 2500 kilometres. It is possible that the same bombers are being used for shelling.

Ukrainian journalists received the text of the agreement and a list of the numbers of the missiles that were sent to Russia to settle the debt. Comparing them with the numbers on the wreckage of the Kh-55, more than a dozen matches were found.

At the time the agreement was signed in 1999, the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers was headed by Valeriy Pustovoitenko and Leonid Kuchma was president. The head of the government of the Russian Federation was Vladimir Putin.

Source: Radio Liberty