A Ukrainian FPV drone took off the turret with a precision hit and completely destroyed a Russian modernised T-90 "Breakthrough" tank

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 13.09.2023, 22:01

The Ukrainian Defence Forces have destroyed a T-90M "Breakthrough". Fighters of the National Guard managed to eliminate the Russian modernised tank.

Here's What We Know

The T-90M "Breakthrough" was destroyed in the Kherson region with the help of an unmanned aerial vehicle. FPV drone hit the Russian tank's ammunition. After detonation, the combat vehicle was completely destroyed.

According to Oryx analysts, this is at least the 23rd completely destroyed T-90 Breakthrough. The cost of the tank is $2.5-4.5 million, depending on the level of modernisation. In just a year and a half, the Russian army has lost 39 tanks.

Recently, the T-90M "Breakthrough" was seized by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After repairs, it will fight against the Russians.

Source: @UAWeapons