Epic Games Store won't stop giving away games: the promotion has attracted 90 million users since its inception

By: Anton Kratiuk | 14.10.2023, 19:34

The weekly game giveaway at Epic Games Store attracts a huge number of gamers and has already become a good tradition.

Here's What We Know

Every Thursday at EGS, gamers are offered 2-3 games that they can get for free. Yes, they are not always blockbusters and high-end games, but there are always people willing to play each of them.

Epic Games has no plans to stop this practice and will continue to delight gamers every week.

During the Unreal Fest 2023 conference, Kyle Billing, Director of Product and Content Strategy at Epic Games, confirmed that the game giveaway will not only last until the end of 2023, but will continue even further, as this promotion has already attracted 90 million users and most of them have started to make purchases at EGS.

By the way, until next Thursday, everyone can get two parts of the puzzle game Q.U.B.E. and pirate action game Blazing Sails at EGS.

Source: Twisted Voxel