Publisher Paradox Interactive warned gamers about the non-ideal technical condition of Cities: Skylines II and promised to promptly correct the situation

By: Anton Kratiuk | 17.10.2023, 19:47

Next week will see the release of the urban strategy game Cities: Skylines II.

Initially the game was planned to be released on consoles and PC, but in September the developers postponed the release of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series versions to early 2024.

But, as it turned out, and with the PC-version is not all good.

Here's What We Know

The developers from Paradox Interactive published a statement on their official forum, in which they openly admitted that the optimisation and technical state of Cities: Skylines II in the release version will be worse than the game designers expected.

Game designers decided to be as honest as possible with the public and did not want fans of their games to feel cheated. Paradox Interactive thought it was wrong to postpone the release of the strategy game, but they are confident that the game has a great future.

Obviously, the developers are planning a large-scale post-release support for Cities: Skylines II, in which they will gradually improve the technical state of the game.

When We Can Expect It

Cities: Skylines II will be released on the 24th of October, on the same day the game will appear in Game Pass.

Source: Paradox Forum