Not the best debut: Diablo IV on Steam has received mixed reviews, and the game's peak online play is only 2 000

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 18.10.2023, 10:22

On October 17, Diablo IV was released on Steam. Although the game has launched a season called Season of Blood and offers a 25% discount, gamers were not very interested in the project, and reviews were mixed.

Here's What We Know

According to SteamDB, the game's peak online presence on 17 October was 1,500 players. At the time of writing, it has grown to 2,200, but this is clearly not the result that the developers expected.

The game now has 300 reviews, and 57% of them are positive. Most people complain about the problems of transferring a licence from There are those who recommend simply purchasing Baldur's Gate 3, but some users still praised the game for its good optimisation, story, and gameplay, and one gamer wrote that Diablo IV runs well on Steam Deck. Therefore, it is worth watching the game for some time to see how it will finally gain a foothold on Steam.

Where To Play

Diablo IV is available on PC, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series.

Source: steamdb