Atmospheric game with monotonous gameplay: critics have reserved their praise for space thriller The Invincible

By: Anton Kratiuk | 03.11.2023, 16:28

Next week will see the release of space thriller The Invincible from young Polish studio Starward Industries.

The game is based on Stanisław Lem's novel of the same name and is of interest to fans of science fiction of the 50s and 60s.

Critics got acquainted with The Invincible and shared their opinion.

Here's What We Know

In general, the experts were satisfied with the game, they praised the graphics, technical execution and voice acting. The excellent retrofuturistic style is separately noted.

However, as the trailers showed, The Invincible is a rather monotonous and meditative game. Most of the time gamers will be leisurely exploring the surface of the desert planet Regis III and listening to the characters' dialogues. So, in essence, we are facing a walking simulator, and games of this genre may not appeal to everyone.

Critics noted that closer to the end of The Invincible the plot becomes not so interesting as in the beginning of the game.

As a result, the game received the following scores on aggregators:

  • on Opencritic - 71 points with 64% of recommendations;
  • on Metacritic the PC version got 69 points, and for PS5 - 71.

For those who want to know a comprehensive opinion about all aspects of The Invincible, our reviewer has prepared a detailed review of the game, which we offer you to read.

When We Can Expect It

The Invincible will be released on the 6th of November on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

Source: Opencritic, Metacritic