The strategy classic has not lost its relevance: Steam users praised Stronghold: Definitive Edition and recommend to get acquainted with it

By: Anton Kratiuk | 08.11.2023, 19:18

Stronghold: Definitive Edition - improved and expanded version of the cult medieval real-time strategy game from FireFly studio - has been released.

Here's What We Know

As expected, gamers warmly welcomed the return of Stronghold.

Within a day the game received almost 1000 reviews in Steam and 86% of them are positive.

The developers are praised for preserving the atmosphere, improving graphics, preserving the classic gameplay, interesting additional content and competent implementation of modern options, such as, for example, multiplayer and support for custom modifications from Steam Workshop.

Players also liked the updated voice acting.

For old fans the release of the remaster is a great reason to return to their favourite game, and for newcomers - an ideal opportunity to get acquainted with one of the most popular strategies of its time.

Surprisingly, Stronghold: Definitive Edition is already offering a 10% discount.

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Source: Steam