Game company Ubisoft has joined the X/Twitter boycott and is withdrawing adverts for its projects

By: Anton Kratiuk | 21.11.2023, 22:30

Game company Ubisoft has decided to join the boycott of social network X.

Here's What We Know

Recall, a few days ago, the owner of X, formerly known as Twitter, Elon Musk allowed himself to openly support an openly anti-Semitic post of one of the users of the network.

Many global companies were outraged by Musk's unapologetic behaviour and began to withdraw advertising for their brands and products on the site.

This movement was joined by such giants as Walt Disney, Warner Bros. Discovery, Paramount, Sony Pictures, Apple, Comcast, Lionsgate, IBM and many others.

Now, in an Axios digest, an Ubisoft spokesperson has confirmed that the French video game publisher is ending its partnership with X and withdrawing advertising for its projects. It is emphasised that this is a significant loss for X, as the Assassin's Creed Nexus VR ad alone received over 10 million views before it was removed.

No doubt other gaming companies will follow Ubisoft's example.

Source: Axios