Ubisoft has urgently postponed the release of the major seasonal update Operation Deep Freeze for online shooter Rainbow Six Siege

By: Anton Kratiuk | 28.11.2023, 22:09

Today (28 November) for the popular online shooter Rainbow Six Siege was supposed to release a major seasonal update Operation Deep Freeze, but the developers urgently postponed its release.

Here's What We Know

Ubisoft explained its decision by the fact that Operation Deep Freeze discovered serious bugs that needed to be fixed before releasing the update.

The developers apologised and thanked the players for their understanding.

A new release date for Operation Deep Freeze has not yet been announced.

Recall, the main innovations of the season will be:

  • new map "Lair" (Lair);
  • Defender class operative - Portuguese Tubarão.
  • a unique gadget with liquid nitrogen, which will freeze enemies and objects on the locations;
  • fixing a number of bugs, balance revision and new bots with which you can train on two difficulty levels.

Source: @Rainbow6Game