Eleven interesting facts about the adventure game The Invincible in a colourful video from the developers

By: Anton Kratiuk | 07.12.2023, 22:20

Publisher 11 bit Studios has released an informative video about The Invincible, an action-adventure game based on the science fiction novel of the same name by Stanislaw Lem.

Here's What We Know

The video summarises 11 facts about The Invincible's backstory, plot, style, philosophical undertones, source material, gameplay mechanics and other elements.

The voiceover narration is accompanied by colourful landscapes of the desert planet Regis III and footage from various episodes of The Invincible.

Recall that the game was released in early November 2023 and did not gain much popularity due to its niche nature, however, everyone who got acquainted with the game liked it. We offer you to read the detailed review of our author.

The Invincible is available on Steam with 20% discount till 20th of December.

The game is available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

Source: 11 bit Studios, Steam