The cult shooter DOOM is 30 years old!

By: Anton Kratiuk | 10.12.2023, 22:23

Today is 3 years since the release of Cyberpunk 2077, one of the most discussed games of recent times.

Of course, we congratulate CD Projekt, but on the 10th of December gamers have a more significant reason for congratulations and nostalgia.

Here's What We Know

Today is the THIRD anniversary of the mastodon of video games, shooter of all times and peoples - DOOM!

This game needs no introduction, it forever changed the industry of interactive entertainment, popularised the passion for video games, showed what shooters should be like and, of course, at one time became one of the most discussed games and scandalous topics in the media space.

DOOM was created by legendary developers John Romero and John D. Carmack, and they have every right to be proud of their brainchild.

At the moment, the rights to DOOM are owned by Bethesda, which continues to develop the franchise. The company has released two games and a new instalment of the shooter is rumoured to be in development. In total, five major instalments and several spin-offs have been released.

Happy thirtieth anniversary, DOOM!