Fallout: New Vegas developers wanted to create a spin-off of The Elder Scrolls, but Bethesda ignored Obsidian Entertainment's offer

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.12.2023, 15:20

Many fans of the Fallout franchise believe that the spin-off with the subtitle New Vegas from Obsidian Entertainment is the best game of the series, at least since the rights to it were transferred to Bethesda.

As it turned out, the New Vegas development team wanted to continue working with Bethesda, but the American company refused to cooperate.

Here's What We Know

Well-known screenwriter and game designer Chris Avellone, who was one of the main figures in Obsidian, said that after the release of Fallout: New Vegas his team approached Bethesda management with a proposal not only to release another game in the Fallout series, but also, and more interestingly, a spin-off of the fantasy franchise The Elder Scrolls.

Avellon offered to cooperate on the same principle as with Fallout: Bethesda would release the fifth instalment of The Elder Scrolls, and shortly after it would be released a game from Obsidian, which would allow fans to fill the void until the release of the next full-fledged part. But all of Obsidian's offer was ignored by Bethesda.

It's a shame the collaboration didn't happen, as Obsidian is a developer of top-notch RPGs. By the way, perhaps some of the developments of the failed project are used in the new fantasy game Avowed, on which Obsidian game designers are currently working.

Source: 80.lv