Starfield has received "mostly negative" reviews on Steam over the past 30 days

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 26.12.2023, 16:04

Before the release, Starfield had a very large-scale advertising campaign. People had high expectations from the upcoming Bethseda game, but at the release, it was clear that some of the audience was upset and expected something completely different. And with each passing month, the players' attitude towards Starfield deteriorated, and this can be clearly seen in the reviews on Steam.

Here's What We Know

Over the past 30 days, players have written 7395 reviews of Starfield on Steam. Only 34% of them were positive, so the game now has a "mostly negative" rating in the "recent reviews" category. Most of the players complain about the plot, bugs, boring world, and uninteresting gameplay.

Where To Play

Starfield is available on PC, Xbox Series, and PC Game Pass.

Source: insider-gaming