Bethesda will release the beta version of the biggest update for Starfield next week: hundreds of bugs in all aspects of the game will be fixed

By: Anton Kratiuk | 13.01.2024, 13:48

Bethesda seriously intends to significantly improve all aspects of the space role-playing game Starfield.

The American developer said that testing of the next major patch will start next week.

Here's What We Know

Bethesda has informed the public that from 17 January all interested Steam users will be able to take part in testing the largest since the release of Starfield patch.

Almost all elements of the game will undergo global changes: hundreds of bugs will be fixed, graphics will be improved, problems in a number of quests will be fixed, the developers will improve the stability and general technical state of Starfield.

In addition, Bethesda game designers intend to improve the display of planets, satellites and other space objects, as well as again try to eliminate the bug, in which asteroids intrusively follow the player's spaceship. This bug was not eliminated the first time and the developers will try again.

The patch should fix the bug when buildings and objects demolished by the player reappear on outposts when you visit them again.

Full-fledged patch release is expected in the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, Starfield's rating in Steam has dropped to a record 28% positive feedback, which eloquently confirms the need for urgent work on the game's bugs.

Source: Bethesda Game Studios