Conflict settled: Take-Two has no claims against Remedy Entertainment over the Finnish company's logo

By: Anton Kratiuk | 18.01.2024, 21:39

A few days ago on the network there was information that Take-Two publisher filed a lawsuit against Finnish studio Remedy Entertainment because of the fact that in their opinion the logo of Alan Wake and Control creators is too similar to the mark of Rockstar Games, which belongs to Take-Two.

Here's What We Know

A representative of Remedy Entertainment in a conversation with journalist and analyst Stephen Totilo said that there is nothing interesting and noteworthy in the situation, because the conflict, which in fact was not, settled back in 2023.

According to Remedy's representative, Take-Two's lawsuit was a formality, and their working relationship was not affected in any way. And this is, perhaps, an important point, as the Finnish studio is currently developing a remake of two parts of Max Payne with the financial support of Rockstar Games.

Source: @stephentotilo