Publisher 11 bit studios has revealed the sales of This War of Mine, shared the success of Frostpunk and The Invincible and revealed the amount of coffee its employees drink

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.01.2024, 12:57

Polish publisher 11 bit studios summarised the year and published interesting statistics of several of its games.

Here's What We Know

The most successful game of 11 bit remains This War of Mine. Survival simulator with strategy elements continues to enjoy huge popularity and only in 2023 500 thousand people got acquainted with the game. Sales of This War of Mine have exceeded 9 million copies. This number includes both the sale of the game and free giveaways. In Poland, This War of Mine has been part of the school curriculum for several years, and its material is used to show children how scary war is.

On average, players spend about 17 hours playing This War of Mine.

11 bit studios also told about their other projects.

Thus, the first part of the post-apocalyptic city-building strategy Frostpunk continues to attract the interest of gamers. On average, players stay in Frostpunk for about 24 hours, and 3% of players spent more than a hundred hours in it. It is noteworthy that despite the high difficulty of the game, more than half of the users were able to save all the citizens of their city.

Recall that the release of the second part of Frostpunk is coming soon.

The last release to date 11 bit (in this case as a publisher) was an adventure game The Invincible, based on the novel of the same name by Stanislaw Lem.

The game received 89% positive reviews, and 49% of buyers reached the final game. But only 1.9% of players completed The Invincible multiple times to get all the achievements.

11 bit studios also published some funny "internal" statistics. Thus, 250 employees of the studio drank 77 thousand cups of coffee with 5500 litres of milk and ate more than 3800 kilograms of fruit during the year.

The company has such ambitious plans for the coming year that the management will have to allocate more funds for coffee and maybe even buy biscuits.

Source: 11 bit studios