Square Enix's new strategy: the company refuses to release a huge number of games and concentrates on their quality

By: Anton Kratiuk | 20.01.2024, 15:00

Square Enix releases a huge number of games every year, many of which are of questionable quality.

It seems that the Japanese publisher has come to the realisation that it can't go on like this and has started to take measures to improve the situation.

Here's What We Know

Square Enix published a printout of an investor briefing that took place in November 2023. At the event, company president Takashi Kiryuu said that the current gaming industry has come to a point where either big-budget blockbusters or low-cost indie games are the most popular. And many Square Enix projects are stuck somewhere in the middle, according to Kiryuu.

Square Enix management has decided to reduce the number of games released in order to improve their quality and give developers more time and resources to realise their ideas.

Obviously, such flagship franchises as, for example, Final Fantasy and NieR, will remain in the centre of Square Enix's attention, while such niche and low-popular franchises as Life is Strange may be either reformatted or closed altogether.

It should be noted that the overall trend of moving from quantity to quality is clearly the right one and could return Square Enix to the category of gaming industry giants.

Source: Square Enix