After the latest patch, Monster Hunter: Rise stopped launching on Steam Deck - Russian DRM protection is to blame

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.01.2024, 16:39

Last week Capcom surprised gamers with a strange decision: it added DRM protection Enigma Protector from developers from the terrorist country of Russia to its old games.

It seemed that after the mass outrage of gamers Japanese developers will change their decision, but it didn't happen and Capcom continued to use this programme, which besides its origin differs by the fact that it negatively affects the work of games and heavily loads the system.

Here's What We Know

Capcom released a patch for Monster Hunter: Rise, in which it performed a "system data update" ©.

Supposedly, Denuvo has been removed from the game. Normally this would make gamers happy, but not this time, as in addition to most likely replacing Denuvo with Enigma Protector, the game stopped launching on Steam Deck consoles.

Gamers, as it often happens, are furious and started massively downgrading Monster Hunter Rise in the hope that the developer will listen to them.

Capcom promised to fix the game's performance on Steam Deck, but there's no mention of changing the DRM protection.

Source: DSOG