French publisher Focus Entertainment is rebranding: the company will be called PulluP Entertainment

By: Anton Kratiuk | 22.01.2024, 22:35

Following the publisher Square Enix, which announced a change in business strategy for the release of games, the French publisher Focus Entertainment also announced changes in the organisation of its activities.

Here's What We Know

Focus Entertainment is not only restructuring its business, but also announced a rebranding.

From 1 April 2024, the company will be named PulluP Entertainment. PulluP Entertainment's activities will be divided into three priority areas:

  • Game publishing will be handled by the Focus Entertainment Publishing division;
  • indie and retro games will be published by Dotemu and The ArcadeCrew;
  • game development will be handled by seven in-house studios: Deck13, Streumon, Twelve Tenths, Leikir Studio, Blackmill, Dovetail and Carpool Studio.

Recall, the nearest release so far Focus Entertainment will be mystical action game Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden - its release is scheduled for 13 February 2024 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

Source: FinanzNachrichten