Dragon's Dogma 2 is for adults only! Capcom's new game is rated 17+

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.03.2024, 12:42

A few weeks before release, the ESRB certification agency has given an age rating to the Dragon's Dogma 2 RPG.

Here's What We Know

After a detailed study of the game, ESRB experts stated that Dragon's Dogma 2 is recommended for people over 17 years old and gave the game an M ("Mature") rating.

The main theses are given in a brief explanation:

Battles are accompanied by screams of pain and frequent blood splatter effects. Several episodes feature gory scenes, such as a monster decapitation in slow motion (with the head being able to be carried around and used as a weapon) and a dragon ripping the heart out of a human character. The player character can interact with sex workers, exchanging currency for services. In a short scene, the player sits on a bed with a prostitute (both in their underwear), after which the camera darkens. In one scene, the characters kiss and roll around on the bed (no nudity). Two monsters show off their bare breasts, but with no visible detail (no nipples). The word "shit" appears in the game.

When We Can Expect It

Dragon's Dogma 2 will release on 22 March 2024 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series.

Source: ESRB