It looks like Helldivers 2 will soon receive vehicles

By: Dmitro Koval | 04.03.2024, 17:28

After resolving the server issue in Helldivers 2, the developers are actively working on adding new content to the shooter, and although specific details are still unknown, the first hints of content to be added in the next updates are appearing on the web.

Here's What We Know

It all started with the publication of information that players seemed to have found in the game files: it indicated that mechs and a new faction would be added to the game. Subsequently, various videos were posted showing off various vehicles, such as a reconnaissance vehicle and an armoured personnel carrier.

The source of these "leaks" remains unknown, and many began to wonder if players had somehow gained access to unreleased Arrowhead content. In any case, the developers themselves have not officially announced anything of the sort.

Where To Play

Helldivers 2 is available to play on PlayStation 5 and PC.

Source: GamingBolt