Not a masterpiece, but a great RPG: critics review The Thaumaturge favourably

By: Anton Kratiuk | 04.03.2024, 21:37

The Thaumaturge RPG from Fool's Theory studio and publisher 11 bit has been released.

The game is available on Steam, GOG and Epic Games Store, but PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series users will have to wait for some time.

Critics have already familiarised themselves with The Thaumaturge and published their reviews.

Here's What We Know

Most of the experts agreed that The Thaumaturge is not the most technologically advanced, not the most exciting and not the most elaborate game, but it has a unique setting, mysterious atmosphere and deep gameplay, thanks to which the fight with supernatural creatures on the streets of Warsaw 1905 causes a lot of positive emotions and drags on for dozens of hours.

Reviewers note that some elements of the plot were boring, the main character is not charismatic, and the search for clues may seem too long and pointless, but all these shortcomings are compensated by excellent stylistics, setting, the presence of historical figures in the narrative and an extremely complex and interesting combat system.

Critics agree that with a limited budget and a small number of developers, Fool's Theory did an excellent job. It feels like the game designers approached the game with love.

As a result, The Thaumaturge received a 76 on Metacritic with no outright negative reviews.

Source: Metacritic