"AAAAAA games and no microtransactions" - CD Projekt management answered the most pressing questions from investors

By: Anton Kratiuk | 30.03.2024, 22:31

Shortly after the publication of the annual financial report, CD Projekt held a session with investors, during which very interesting and relevant questions were answered.

Here's What We Know

CD Projekt's CFO Piotr Nielubowicz and Vice President of Investor Relations Karolina Gnaś revealed information that will surely be of interest to our 1.5 readers as well.

  • In CD Projekt's single-player games there will be no place for microtransactions, in-game purchases, subscriptions and other methods of additional monetisation. The projects will remain paid, but players will get all the content for their money and will not spend additional sums.
  • CD Projekt allows the option of adding microtransactions to its games, but only in online games, which will cost much cheaper than premium projects.
  • The company is confident in the success of the multiplayer spin-off The Witcher under the working title Sirius and predicts that its audience will exceed the figures of the third part of the saga.
  • CD Projekt is pleased with how the work on The Witcher: Polaris (fourth part) and Sirius is progressing.
  • The full presentation of the first part of the new The Witcher trilogy will take place unexpectedly to surprise and delight fans. There will be no advance flirting with the audience.
  • Polish studio Fool's Theory (author of the new RPG The Thaumaturge) continues working on the remake of the first part of The Witcher and successfully uses the developments made by The Witcher: Polaris team.
  • The company does not regret that only one Phantom Liberty expansion was released for Cyberpunk 2077 and believes that it was a perfect and worthy conclusion to the game.

A great conclusion of the conversation with investors was the joke of Karolina Gnas: when she was asked what she thinks about "AAAA games from Ubisoft" (that's how Ubisoft CEO assessed the obviously failed Skull & Bones), she said that CD Projekt will produce "AAAA projects".

Well, CD Projekt's statements sound optimistic and let's hope none of them turn out to be false.

Source: StockWatch