Film producers take note: survey shows gamers' interest in Red Dead Redemption and Mass Effect film adaptations

By: Anton Kratiuk | 06.04.2024, 22:12

British retail chain GAME has conducted a survey among 650 respondents to find out which game adaptations gamers are most interested in.

Here's What We Know

Not surprisingly, according to GAME customers, some of the best story games deserve film or TV series adaptations. Red Dead Redemption (41%) and Mass Effect (38%) were the top vote getters, followed closely by Horizon (33%) and The Elder Scrolls with 29% of the votes.

As for the assessment of already released film adaptations, the unquestionable leader here are the films based on Tomb Raider with Angelina Jolie in the title role (52%), and the favourite franchise, according to gamers, is The Last of Us (42%).

Of the announced films and TV series based on video games, the public is most looking forward to the film adaptation of BioShock and God of War, as well as the series Fallout, which will be released on April 11 in the Prime Video service.

Source: Insider Gaming