The heist didn't go according to plan: early access to Payday 3 on all platforms has been marred by technical issues, and on PlayStation 5 users were also given an outdated build of the game

By: Anton Kratiuk | 19.09.2023, 12:43

Gamers who pre-ordered co-operative shooter Payday 3 got access to the game three days ahead of release. But, unfortunately, the start of early access was spoilt by technical problems.

Here's What We Know

Players on all platforms faced problems when launching the shooter.

The thing is that to play Payday 3 requires registration in a special service Starbreeze Nebula, and it could not withstand a large influx of players, despite the fact that stress tests were conducted in advance.

However, PlayStation 5 users faced big problems. The situation on Japanese consoles is out of the developer's control. As explained by the producer of Payday 3, the digital shop mistakenly placed an outdated build of the game, which is unplayable, and the developers can not fix this problem, as it is the responsibility of Sony.

Starbreeze representatives apologise for the inconvenience and promise to fix all issues as soon as possible.

Source: @PAYDAYGame