Naughty Dog studio left the technical director Christian Gyrling. He worked at the company for 17 years and was directly involved in the creation of The Last of Us and Uncharted

By: Anton Kratiuk | 11.11.2023, 13:01

Global changes continue at the famous Naughty Dog studio.

Recently there was a lot of not the most positive news from the developers of The Last of Us and Uncharted, and this trend is not slowing down.

Here's What We Know

Recently, Naughty Dog laid off some of its employees. However, it became known that the studio is leaving one of its executives.

Christian Gyrling, who has worked at the studio for 17 years, announced his decision to part with his position in Naughty Dog. He started out as a programmer, but over time he has had a great career: he was vice president, director of development, and for the last 5 months - technical director.

Reasons for Gerling's departure have not been released.

Naughty Dog thanked Christian Gerling for his tremendous contribution to the studio and announced that he will be replaced by Travis McIntosh, a 19-year Naughty Dog veteran.

As a reminder, the studio is currently working on several projects, including a multiplayer game based on The Last of Us franchise, which according to various reports is already frozen, and some claim that it has been cancelled altogether.

Source: Naughty Dog