Finbold analytical study: Sony sells more than 40 000 PlayStation 5 consoles every day

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 04.12.2023, 09:17

At the beginning of its existence, the PlayStation 5 was difficult to find, as there was a significant shortage. Now, PS5 can be purchased in any store, which has significantly expanded the number of console owners. This is evidenced by Finbold analytical data.

Here's What We Know

Most consoles were bought in March - 1,898,817 units. In April, there were the fewest sales - 1,221,162. However, if we look at the entire infographic, an average of 285,718 consoles are sold in one week, 40,705 per day, and 1,696 per hour. And given that the Christmas holidays and the launch of the PlayStation 5 Slim are coming soon, this number will only increase.

According to Sony, almost 45 million PlayStation 5s have been sold all time.

Source: Finbold