Sony has unveiled the release trailer for co-operative shooter Helldivers 2

By: Anton Kratiuk | 16.01.2024, 23:05

The release of co-operative shooter Helldivers 2 is still more than two weeks away, but Sony didn't delay and has already released its release trailer.

Here's What We Know

In the dynamic and colourful trailer, gamers are reminded that they will have to take on the role of Helldivers and engage in battles with alien life forms (mainly giant bugs).

Developers from Arrowhead Game Studios will offer gamers several unique character classes with individual skills and weapons, but the main thing to win is teamwork.

When We Can Expect It

Helldivers 2 will be released on the 8th of February on PlayStation 5 and PC.

Pre-orders are still available and players will receive valuable in-game bonuses for completing them.

Source: PlayStation