A Sony representative has expressed the company's interest in releasing Palworld on PlayStation 5

By: Anton Kratiuk | 23.01.2024, 13:00

Palworld, a survival simulation shooter, was released only a few days ago, but it has already gained huge popularity. In four days in early access on PC and Xbox Series the game sold 6 million copies and this figure is growing rapidly.

Obviously, every platformer would like to release such a popular game as Palworld and Sony is no exception.

Here's What We Know

PlayStation's head of independent developer relations Shuhei Yoshida congratulated the Pocketpair developers on their success and in response to a comment from a user made it clear that a PlayStation release of the game is not ruled out.

This will probably happen after Palworld is released from early access or the end of its contract with Microsoft.

As for the game's release on Nintendo, there is no official information, but it can be assumed that the company will not want to offer Palworld to its users due to the shooter's similarities to the Pokemon franchise.

Source: Twisted Voxel