Square Enix releases new trailer for Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth during Tapei Game Show

By: Dmitro Koval | 29.01.2024, 15:35

As the release of Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth approaches, Square Enix is trying to build up the hype around it by maintaining a constant stream of new details, updates, gameplay footage, and more. Recently, at the Tapei Game Show, the developers demonstrated some of the game's open-world activities, including combat missions and Remnawave towers, as well as mini-games, the most notable of which was the chocobo race:

Here's What We Know

We also got an in-depth look at combat, including the new Synergy abilities, showcasing combined attacks between several different characters, and Summons also got another new (usually) explosive display.

Where To Play

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will be available on PlayStation 5 only.

When We Can Expect It

The game is scheduled for release on February 29, 2024.

Source: GamingBolt