Sony has released an Accolades trailer for samurai action game Rise of the Ronin

By: Anton Kratiuk | 08.04.2024, 12:52

The Rise of the Ronin action game was released a fortnight ago. The new game from Team Ninja received mixed reviews from critics and scores that were much lower than most of the other PlayStation exclusives.

Despite this, the game about the civil war in Japan of the XIX century was liked by many reviewers and it is their praise theses are given in a special video from Sony.

Here's What We Know

In the spectacular video against the background of shots of Rise of the Ronin shows the evaluations of the profile media, which were satisfied with the game. It mentions the excellent open world, excellent visual design, complex combat system and other undeniable advantages of samurai action.

Rise of the Ronin was released exclusively on PlayStation 5, but judging by Sony's new strategy, the game may soon be released on PC and maybe other platforms as well.

Source: PlayStation