Remedy Entertainment creative director Sam Lake has hinted at attending Summer Game Fest: there he may unveil the Night Springs add-on for Alan Wake 2

By: Anton Kratiuk | 20.05.2024, 12:54

Fans of the mystical horror game Alan Wake 2 may be about to see the debut trailer of the first story add-on Night Springs.

There was a nice silent chat on social network X, which intrigued fans of games by Finnish studio Remedy Entertainment.

Here's What We Know

A brief recounting of the "conversation":

  • Summer Game Fest producer and host Geoff Keighley published a post reminding us that the summer show is three weeks away;
  • Remedy creative director Sam Lake reposted the tweet and "commented" on it with a cryptic eye emoji;
  • Summer Game Fest's X account "replied" to Lake with the same meaningful look.

What about gamers? Gamers immediately concluded that Sam Lake will be at the opening ceremony of Summer Game Fest, which will take place on 7 June at 23:00 CEST, to personally present the announcement trailer of Night Springs add-on for Alan Wake 2.

Some users assume that at the show the Finnish studio will present a remake of Max Payne (1 and 2), but it is unlikely to happen, as this project is at an early stage of production.

Recall, last year the developer also took the stage at Summer Game Fest and presented a gameplay trailer of Alan Wake 2.

Source: X