Russian S-400 SAMs and Podlyot radar in Crimea were destroyed by Ukraine's Neptun cruise missile system, which sank the flagship cruiser Moskva

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 25.08.2023, 15:46

Over the weekend, the Ukrainian Defence Forces destroyed a launcher of the S-400 Triumf air defence missile system and Podlyot radar in Crimea. As it turned out, the strike was carried out by anti-ship missiles, which are part of the Neptun complex.

Here's What We Know

This is reported by Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov. According to him, the intelligence of the Ukrainian Navy received accurate information about the targets located on the territory of the temporarily occupied Crimean peninsula near the village Olenyovka.

The servicemen then launched a land-based cruise missile at the Podlyot radar station and the S-400 launcher. It travelled at ultra-low altitude, bypassed the Russian air defence system and destroyed the targets.

The Neptun land-based cruise missile system includes R-360 anti-ship missiles. The weight is 870kg including 150kg of warhead, the diameter is 380mm and the maximum launch range is 280km.

On 13 April 2022, the Neptune complex hit the Russian flagship cruiser Moskva in the Black Sea. A few hours later, the Russian warship went to the bottom due to the hit of two missiles and the detonation of the ammunition.

Source: @butusov.yuriy