The Russians have officially announced that the fourth-generation Su-34 fighter jet has used the Kh-47M2 pseudo-hypersonic missile for the first time

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 04.09.2023, 19:36

On August 4, 2023, Russian state media claimed that the Su-34 fighter jet was able to use the Kh-47M2 pseudo-hypersonic missile for the first time. The source is a representative of the military department.

Here's What We Know

The Kh-47M2 is only partially a hypersonic missile. It can reach speeds of more than 6174 km/h (M=5) outside the atmosphere, but cannot maintain it during all phases of flight. During attack, the speed is around 2000-3000 km/h.

The main carrier of the pseudo-hypersonic missile is the MiG-31K fighter, although the Russians have talked about launching the Kh-47M2 from Tu-22M3 strategic bombers. There has also been talk of integrating the missile on the Su-57 fifth-generation fighter.

On the fact that the carrier of the Kh-47M2 may be a fighter Su-34, there was no information earlier. There is no confirmation of the missile's use yet either, apart from the statement of an anonymous source.

For Ukraine, it does not play a special role which aircraft launches the Kh-47M2 missile. However, now in case of MiG-31K takeoff, an air alert is immediately announced throughout the country. Reacting to every Su-34 takeoff will be more difficult.

Source: TASS