Poland has become the first foreign buyer of the new LTAMDS all-around radars for Patriot air defence systems

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 06.09.2023, 00:39
Poland has become the first foreign buyer of the new LTAMDS all-around radars for Patriot air defence systems

Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak announced a multi-billion dollar investment during the XXXI International Defence Industry Show. Part of the funds will be used to purchase Lower Tier Air and Missile Defence Sensors (LTAMDS).

Here's What We Know

It should be noted that Poland will be the first foreign customer of LTAMDS. The European country will receive 12 all-round radars manufactured by the American company RTX. The agreement was signed as part of the implementation of the second phase of the Wysla programme.

The US Army is developing a new all-around radar for prospective missile and air defence systems, which will replace Patriot. The US military wants a solution that will consist of an IBCS (Integrated Battle Command System), a launcher and an LTAMDS radar. Poland, on the other hand, will use LTAMDS with Patriot.

RTX became prime contractor in 2019 and has already built six stations for the US Army. The US Congress has mandated the formation of a battalion including four LTAMDS radar stations by December this year.

The new radar consists of three sensors, two of which are responsible for providing all-round visibility. The sensors allow the system to respond to aerial threats in a timely manner by detecting targets in a 360° range.

Source: RTX