[Updated] Bulgaria may give Ukraine faulty missiles to the Soviet S-300 air defence system to repair and strengthen its defence against Russian shelling

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 27.09.2023, 19:50

Updated: Parliament voted behind closed doors on 27 September to supply Ukraine with missiles.

Bulgaria may transfer missiles for the S-300 air defence system to Ukraine. But there are several nuances to this story.

Here's What We Know

Firstly, the decision has not yet been made. At the moment, Bulgarian MPs have only introduced a draft. Secondly, we are talking about the supply of defective anti-aircraft missiles to the S-300 air defence system, which are to be repaired.

The Bulgarian military has declared these anti-aircraft missiles unserviceable. Bulgaria cannot repair them, unlike Ukraine. MPs are therefore working to get permission to supply the anti-aircraft missiles.

Source: Sofia Globe