Two Ukrainians seized a launcher of the Russian anti-aircraft missile system "Tor" with missiles and stored them at their place - now they face up to 7 years in prison

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 29.09.2023, 20:17

During the retreat in the spring of 2022, the Russian army left at least half a dozen launchers of Tor surface-to-air missile systems in Chernihiv Region. One of them was taken by two Ukrainians.

Here's What We Know

Police found two Ukrainian citizens aged 38 and 45. Both live in the Kyiv region. The statement says that they illegally received and stored a self-propelled launcher "Tor". The specific model is not specified.

After operational and search measures police found two containers with eight anti-aircraft missiles. Their value is estimated at 30 million hryvnias ($810,000). The missiles were handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On the fact of storage, purchase and transfer of ammunition without legal authorisation, the defendants face up to 7 years in prison under part 1 of article 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Source: @pol.kyivregion