The US is secretly transferring 2,000 Hellfire missiles, over 300 Tamir interceptors for the Iron Dome system, 75 JLTV armoured vehicles, tens of thousands of 155mm shells and hundreds of 120mm mortars to Israel

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 15.11.2023, 15:24

The United States is giving Israel a secret package of military aid. This is reported by Bloomberg.

Here's What We Know

The news agency refers to a US Department of Defence document from late October 2023, which is called Israel Senior Leader. It contains a list of weapons that were requested by Israel after the Hamas invasion.

Some of the weapons have already been transferred. The US Department of Defence is working on sending weapons from its own stockpiles, including those in Europe. Specifically, Israel has received 36,000 rounds of ammunition for 30mm artillery, at least 3,500 night vision devices and about 1,800 rounds for M141 grenade launchers.

Israel's request also includes 2,000 air-to-ground missiles for Apache helicopters, 75 JLTV armoured vehicles, 57,000 155mm shells and 400 120mm mortars. Israel has also requested more than 300 Tamir missile interceptors for the Iron Dome short-range air defence system.

Source: Bloomberg