Mini Cheetah, a robot dog, became a soccer goalkeeper - he defends the goal more effectively than the UPL goalkeepers

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 18.10.2022, 22:39

The robot dog Mini Cheetah "took a course" in goalkeeping, which proved better than professional goalkeepers in the English Premier League.

Here's What We Know

The robot was created at MIT. Engineers from the University of California, Berkeley, Simon Fraser University and the Georgia Institute of Technology worked to train the device.

According to statistics, the best goalkeepers in English Premier League soccer reflect 80% of shots on goal. Mini Cheetah, a robot dog weighing less than 10 kilograms, was able to surpass professional athletes. The robot goalkeeper reflected 87.5% of shots.

Engineers taught Mini Cheetah to move horizontally, squat and jump. In addition, after each repulsed shot, the robot returned to the starting position by itself. For the test, a gate 90 cm high and 150 cm wide was created. The blows were performed from a distance of 4 meters. One of the main success factors was considered to be the use of an external ball detection system.

Source: Hybrid Robotics

Image: MIT, The Chelsea Chronicle