Artificial intelligence will help create a fusion-powered rocket that can reach Mars in a month

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 16.06.2023, 00:40

British and American specialists intend to create a rocket equipped with a fusion engine to fly to Mars. They will be assisted by artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

A Harvard professor wrote in an article that in the future, technological progress will reach a level where humanity will be 30 seconds from Mars. This statement became the name of a famous American rock band. Meanwhile, British and American companies are working to bring humanity within 30 days of the Red Planet. By the way, even at the speed of light, it would take at least 3 minutes to cover the minimum distance between Earth and Mars.

The British company Pulsar Fusion, together with the U.S. company Princeton Satellite Systems intends to create a rocket to fly to Mars. They will use artificial intelligence to study plasma physics in the propulsion system and optimise the design.

Pulsar Fusion already has designs in its portfolio, but it will be perfecting American technology for the new project. The Princeton field-reversed configuration 2 (PFRC-2) will be used to analyse plasma physics. Within two years, Princeton Satellite Systems plans to build versions of PFRC-3 and PRFC-4.

The fusion engine will allow the 10-tonne spacecraft to accelerate to 223.5km/sec. At such a speed the spacecraft could reach Mars in three days during the maximum approach of the Red Planet to the Earth. But in this case we are talking about the maximum speed, which can not be maintained during the entire flight. In addition, let's not forget about acceleration and deceleration.

Launching the propulsion system will require some helium-3 and deuterium. During flight, the fusion engine will be able to generate electricity, providing power for the spacecraft's on-board systems. The fuel will be gas and dust from space.

Source: WNN