The JSWT space telescope has discovered two impossible ancient galaxies that shouldn't exist

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 17.11.2023, 19:13

James Webb Space Telescope (JSWT) has once again made an interesting discovery. The space observatory has discovered a pair of galaxies that should not exist.

Here's What We Know

With the advent of JSWT, the number of so-called "impossible objects" has increased. We are talking, in our case, about two galaxies UNCOVER z-13 and UNCOVER z-12, which appeared less than 400 million years after the Big Bang.

UNCOVER z-13 formed 330 million years after the birth of the Universe. It is the second most distant galaxy from Earth. UNCOVER z-12 appeared about 20 million years later.

Both galaxies are located in the Abell 2744 cluster at a distance of about 3.5 billion light years from us. Scientists will have to find out how UNCOVER z-13 and UNCOVER z-12 were able to form and grow to huge sizes, because at the dawn of the Universe there was not enough matter for this.

Source: space