The SLIM and Odysseus landers are inactive during a moonlit night

By: Nastya Bobkova | 03.03.2024, 02:19

After successful lunar landings, Intuitive Machines' SLIM and Odysseus spacecraft are now in a state of inactivity during a two-week lunar night. Both spacecraft sent their last data back home before going into sleep mode.

Here's What We Know

SLIM, which made its lunar descent on January 19, had already surpassed its expected lifespan before going into hibernation. Odysseus, on the other hand, which landed on 22 February, is in its first lunar night.

Both spacecraft sustained damage on landing, making it difficult for them to survive the lunar night. SLIM flipped over after landing, while Odysseus experienced problems with its EagleCam camera, which the students planned to use for third-person footage.

The Intuitive Machines team is trying to re-establish communication with the Odysseus camera, but the moonlit night is making this process difficult. Questions remain about the future performance of both devices after the period of darkness.

Source: Engadget