Spotify increases prices in France to protest against new tax on music services

By: Nastya Bobkova | 08.03.2024, 00:20

Spotify has announced an increase in its subscription prices in France in response to a new tax designed to support the country's music industry.

Here's What We Know

The company assured that French users will now pay the most expensive subscriptions in Europe. The French CNM tax imposes a mandatory levy on music services that have revenues of more than €20 million. Spotify, along with its competitors Apple Music and Deezer, has expressed its dissatisfaction with this decision.

In its open letter, Spotify said that the new tax would not provide sufficient support to the music industry, which needs more funds for development and investment.

Although Spotify has previously protested against similar tax measures, it did not point to concrete evidence that the fees would not be used to benefit the music industry. The company has announced that details regarding the price increase in France will be made available in the near future.

Source: Spotify