Elbit Systems will equip export CV90 infantry fighting vehicles with the Iron Fist active defence system

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 11.09.2023, 18:53

Israel's Elbit Systems and Sweden's BAE Systems Hägglunds have signed a contract to supply Iron Fist active defence systems. The new system will be equipped with CV90 infantry fighting vehicles.

Here's What We Know

Elbit Systems will supply active defence systems for CV90s that are sold overseas. The value of the signed agreement is estimated at $109 million. The work under the contract will take place over three years. The agreement also includes maintenance and spare parts.

Iron Fist is designed to protect infantry fighting vehicles and tanks from anti-tank guided missiles, grenades and guns of 90-125 mm calibre. The active defence system forms a hemisphere above the combat vehicle, tracking and destroying threats.

The complex includes a radar station. It is responsible for detecting and identifying threats. Then the onboard electronics processes the information and launches interceptors. They destroy the launched projectile and deflect the fragments.

Source: Elbit Systems