Austria's Leopard 2A4 tanks have begun undergoing a $260m upgrade process to the A7 level

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 13.09.2023, 20:39

Austria has sent its first Leopard 2A4 tank for modernisation. This was reported by the Ministry of Defence of the country.

Here's What We Know

Leopard 2A4 will be upgraded to Leopard 2A7. Austria intends to improve 58 combat vehicles. The work will take place at the plant of the French-German holding KNDS (Kraus Maffei-Wegmann + Nexter Defence Systems).

The upgrade will allow the tanks to conduct offensive and defensive operations more effectively. The Leopard 2A4 upgrade programme will last for five years. The combat vehicles will be equipped with new armour packages, cannon and fire control system.

In addition to the Leopard 2A4, Austria wants to modernise 112 Ulan infantry fighting vehicles. They will receive new engines. The cost of the whole programme is estimated at $600 million. At the same time, $260 million will be spent on the modernization of tanks.

Source: Austrian Ministry of Defence