China has developed an MD-22 drone with a flight speed of 8,645 km/h, a range of 8,000 km, and a payload of 4,000 kg to test hypersonic technology

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 07.11.2022, 22:23

China will unveil an unmanned aircraft designed to test hypersonic technology this week.

Here's What We Know

The new Chinese drone is called MD-22. Most of the technical features are not specified. Not only that, it is not the fact that the parameters of the drone will be disclosed at the presentation, which will take place within the framework of the air show in Zhuhai.

According to the description, MD-22 will have a top speed of Mach 7 (8,645 km/h). The drone will have a maximum range of 8,000 km and a payload capacity of 4,000 kg. At the same time the drone itself will have a mass of 1000 kg.

A mockup of the drone will be demonstrated at the air show. The dimensions of the final version will be 10.8 x 4.5 x 1.6 meters. However, it is possible that the drone will not look the same as shown in the pictures.

Source: @intel1osint100