Unknown drones tried to attack the building of the russian defence ministry in moscow

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 24.07.2023, 09:58

On the morning of 24 July, several drones attacked Moscow. Local media reported that the drones targeted the building of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence.

Here's What We Know

City mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that at around 21:00 (EDT) or 18:00 (PDT), drone strikes were recorded on two non-residential buildings in Moscow. The blast was heard on Likhachevu Avenue. The drone is believed to have flown into an office building after being suppressed by an electronic warfare system.

Drone debris has been found on Komsomolsky Avenue in the centre of Moscow. This is the location of the building of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The roof of one of the buildings was damaged, and the blast wave blew out windows in neighbouring buildings.

The Russian defence ministry reported two explosions and confirmed the use of electronic warfare. In addition, the defence ministry said the Ukrainian Armed Forces were behind the attack.

A similar incident in Moscow took place almost two months ago. In late May, the Russian capital was also attacked by unknown drones.