India will use Israeli Heron Mk II reconnaissance drones to monitor the border with Pakistan and China

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 17.08.2023, 15:35

More than 20 countries around the world use Israel's Heron Mk II drones. India is one of them. It intends to use the drones in the north, where the border with China and Pakistan is.

Here's What We Know

The Heron Mk II is a reconnaissance-class unmanned aerial vehicle developed by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). The Indian Air Force plans to use four drones to provide surveillance along the border with China and Pakistan.

This is reported by Janes with reference to an officer of the Indian Air Force. The drones will be equipped with long-range sensors and radars. The list of additional payloads will include communications reconnaissance and communications repeaters.

The Heron Mk II can lift up to 490kg and has a maximum take-off weight of 1,430kg. The drone has a wingspan of 16.6 metres and a length of 8.5 metres. The Israeli drone is capable of climbing to an altitude of more than 10 kilometres and staying in the air for 45 hours. Its maximum speed is 270 kilometres per hour.

Source: Janes