Vampire, Phoenix, Avenger, Penguin and Leleka-100 - Ukrainian Defence Forces received 1,740 drones of different types

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 28.09.2023, 19:03

The Drone Army project has handed over 1,000 drones to the Ukrainian Defence Forces. This was reported by the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

Here's What We Know

The new batch consists of 1,740 drones of different types. With their help, the Ukrainian Defence Forces will be able to strike enemy positions, as well as to observe the enemy and conduct reconnaissance.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation does not give a full list of drones, but mentions Vampire, Phoenix, Avenger and Leleka-100 drones. We can also see Penguin UAV and EOS UAV in the photos.

Source: @mintsyfra